YYYIIIPPPEEEE.....our website is up and running, I am so excited. We still have a few products to add this week and quite a few more brands to add that i have in my shop.....one step at a time. I would like to say a huge thank you to my great friend Claire from WEBTRAIL who designed our bumblebee shop and not forgetting her partner Colin who did all the secure technical stuff and more. For those of you who have visited our Glasgow shop, you will see that Claire has put across the vibe and atmosphere to our website, you will know what I mean, I am not quite sure how to describe it. I am so delighted with it, thank you, thank you, thankyou!!! It's ok, Claire, I am not relaxing, I know I have lots of homework to do!!! Here is a little photo of our gorgeous Di Palomo bath and body range.