Friday, 27 March 2009

Cool tea towels...

Check out our lovely new tea towels, I love all the different designs.

Gorgeous linen smock apron...

This is a pic of our new gorgeous smock linen apron. They have just arrived at Bumblebee and we are going to have them online soon. They also do a children's apron which is so cute.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Chopping boards...

This is our index chopping boards by Joseph Joseph, another great design and taking up minimal space. They have been very popular in Bumblebee. We are going to have them online soon...

Joseph Joseph...

We now have Joseph Joseph looking fab and colourful on our shelves in Bumblebee. They have fantastic award winning kitchen accessories. I love the Nest of bowls. They are bright, take up little space on your kitchen worktop and include a sieve, collander and measuring cups.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Mummy mug...

This is going to be on my wish list for Mothetrs Day, I think it is so sweet, it would be even better filled with fresh brewed coffee!! Hint, hint Finn and Ollie...

Lucy Art...

The cute pirate bowl by Lucy Art...

Lucy Art

Our delivery of Susie Watson Ceramics arrived and I love it as much as I did when I first saw it. It is all made in Sri Lanka and fair trade, creating work for lots of families.
Lucy Art designs and makes cards and she has adapted some of her work for the ceramics and a range has been made using her designs, it's my favourite and a great gift for children (and adult children).